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Investor Relations

Corporate Governance

Integrity and Discipline

Feng Tay adheres to our business philosophy of integrity, discipline, win-win, diligence and craftsmanship. All employees, from top executives to shop workers, are required to comply with management regulations and code of conduct. We have also established the BOD Office to carry out the supervision and auditing of integrity and discipline management, and to assist BOD to implement integrity and discipline policies.

Feng Tay has established the Integrity Management policy and plan for the implementation of internal management and external business activities.

Implementation of Integrity and Discipline Management

A. Establishment of ethical corporate management policies and programs
  • Evaluation Item : (A) Does the company declare its ethical corporate management policies and procedures in its guidelines and external documents, as well as the commitment from its board to implement the policies?
    Implementation Status : The company has stipulated Ethical Corporate Management Best-Practice Principles and specified the good corporate governance that Feng Tay maintains in an ethical spirit. We insist on transparent operation and put emphasis on shareholders' equity. Please refer to "Values and Core Competency" and "Corporate Governance" on company website for promises, policies and guidelines of management policies.
  • Evaluation Item : (B) Does the company establish appropriate system to analyze risks of unethical conducts, periodically analyze and evaluate business activities with high potential for unethical conducts and establish prevention measures accordingly, or listed activities stated in Article 2, Paragraph 7 of the Ethical Corporate Management Best-Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies?
    Implementation Status : The company adheres to the principle of integrity and writes the management regulations and code of conduct accordingly. All employees should uphold integrity, transparency and avoidance of conflict of interest when performing their duties. The company has established effective accounting systems and internal control systems for business activities with high risk of unethical conduct. The internal audit carries out risk assessment and inspection on various transaction cycles and operation items every year to ensure that the design and implementation of risk prevention measures are effective.
  • Evaluation Item : (C) Does the Company establish and implement the operational procedures, conduct guidelines, penalty for violation of rules, and complaint mechanism to prevent unethical behaviors and regularly review and amend the existing practice?
    Implementation Status : 1. The company's "Principles of Employee Conduct" specify that employees should avoid conflicts of interest and opportunities for personal gain. If there is a violation of laws or the code of ethics, the perpetrator will be asked to stop the relevant conduct immediately and appropriate measures will be taken.

    2. The company strictly requires purchasing personnel to comply with the anti-corruption code of conduct. For details, please refer to the company's 2023 Sustainability Report, Section 2.2 Integrity Operations.
B. Implementation of integrity management
  • Evaluation Item : (A) Does the company evaluate business partners' ethical records and include ethics-related clauses in business contracts?
    Implementation Status : The company treats suppliers in the spirit of fair dealing and mutual respect. The internal regulations stipulate that the credit rating of the supplier must be evaluated and the occurrence of unethical conducts is prohibited before trading with the supplier. Any bribe gifts from suppliers shall be strictly refused and reported to the supervisor immediately.
  • Evaluation Item : (B) Does the company establish an exclusively dedicated unit supervised by the Board to be in charge of corporate integrity, and periodically (at least once a year) report to the Board about its integral policy for management, the policy to prevent unethical conducts, and how the implementation is being supervised?
    Implementation Status : The company has established the BOD Office to carry out supervision and auditing of integrity management, and regularly audit the compliance of relevant operations and report to the Board of Directors.
  • Evaluation Item : (C) Does the company establish policies to prevent conflicts of interest and provide appropriate communication channels, and implement it?
    Implementation Status : The company's rules of procedure for the Board meeting stipulate that directors who have a stake in the proposals listed by the Board of Directors shall not take part in the discussion and shall not cast votes on behalf of other directors. The Principles of Employee Conduct are also stipulated in the internal working rules to regulate employee conduct.
  • Evaluation Item : (D) Has the company established effective systems for both accounting and internal control to facilitate ethical corporate management, and are they audited by either internal auditors or CPAs on a regular basis?
    Implementation Status : To ensure the implementation of ethical management, the company has promoted the computerization of all operations and established an effective accounting system and internal control system. All financial reports have been audited or reviewed by CPAs to ensure the fairness of the financial statements. Internal auditors carry out audits on various departments regularly according to the annual audit plan, implement the supervision mechanism and control risk management.
  • Evaluation Item : (E) Does the company regularly hold internal and external educational trainings on operational integrity?
    Implementation Status : The company regularly integrates ethical management education into new employee training and on-the-job education and training. It also promotes from time to time the concept of ethical management to all employees in the organization. In 2023, the Group’s total training hours in integrity management were 90,315 hours.
C. Operation of the whistleblowing system
  • Evaluation Item : (A) Does the company establish both a reward/punishment system and an integrity hotline? Can the accused be reached by an appropriate person for follow-up?
    Implementation Status : The management team handles all grievances and suggestions in accordance with the procedures. Please refer to the company's 2023 Sustainability Report, Section 2.2 Integrity Operations.
  • Evaluation Item : (B) Does the company establish standard operating procedures for confidential reporting on investigating accusation cases?
    Implementation Status : The management team handles all grievances and suggestions in accordance with procedures. For the case with a clear target, an official response will be made and the results will be given to the litigants and related departments. All personal information will be kept confidential and retaliation against colleagues will be strictly prohibited.
  • Evaluation Item : (C) Does the company provide proper whistleblower protection?
    Implementation Status : Same as above.
D. Strengthening information disclosure
  • Evaluation Item : Does the company disclose its ethical corporate management policies and the results of its implementation on the company's website and MOPS?
    Implementation Status : The company has disclosed relevant policies on its website, Annual Report and Sustainability Report.
  • Evaluation Item : If the company has established the ethical corporate management policies based on the Ethical Corporate Management Best-Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies, please describe any discrepancy between the policies and their implementation.
    Implementation Status : The company has stipulated Ethical Corporate Management Principles and maintains good corporate governance in the spirit of integrity and law-abiding. We insist on transparency in operations and fulfill our commitments and responsibilities to employees, shareholders and customers. The Board of Directors adheres to the professional independence principle, establishes the company’s long-term management strategy, gives appropriate guidance in the decision-making process of the management team, evaluates risks and appoints audit accountants, and at the same time supervises the implementation of various sustainable development projects.
  • Evaluation Item : Other important information which helps understand the implementation of the Company's ethical management: (E.g., the review and amendment of the Company's Ethical Management Best Practice Principles).
    Implementation Status : The company has stipulated the Principles of Employee Conduct and the Code of Ethics and Conduct for Directors, Supervisors and Managers. Please refer to the company's 2023 Sustainability Report, Section 2.2 Integrity Operations.
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