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Corporate Social Responsibility

Labor Rights and Benefits

Equality and Diversity Human Rights Policy

Feng Tay establishes the human rights policy in compliance with the laws and regulations at all locations of our operations and fulfills our obligations to respect and protect human rights. We continue to make reference to various human rights international conventions, including those adopted by International Labor Organization.

We Promise

We promise to take into consideration of human rights, non-discrimination, diversity and inclusion issues in all aspects of our operations, including employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, and the social environment at the locations of our operations. Feng Tay will continue to provide multiple communication platforms and channels for stakeholders to ensure that stakeholders can express their opinions freely and safely. We adopt the following management principles to ensure the implementation of human rights policy.

All employment is voluntary; hiring locals is the priority; an individual's qualifications are the only criteria would consider when hiring and setting the starting salary; child labor and foreign migrant labor are prohibited.

Provide equal employment opportunity without discrimination and unfair treatment based on gender, race, religion, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy status, marital status, nationality, political inclination, union membership, social and ethnic background, or any other status that is under legal protection.

Prohibit any threat, abuse, or sexual harassment in the workplace.

Respect employees' rights to freedom of movement, association and collective bargaining.

Respect and value the diversity and uniqueness of employees; create an inclusive and friendly working environment that allows employees from different backgrounds to give full play to their strengths, and enhance group’s advantages.

Provide a safe and healthy working environment, clear definitions and regulations on work hours and overtime. Establish management guidelines for occupational safety and health and set up an Occupational Safety and Health Committee to drive workplace improvements and protect employees' physical and mental health.

Establish multiple communication channels, encourage dialogue between management and employees, and ensure the freedom and confidentiality to file grievances.

Respect privacy; ensure that the collection and use of personal data comply with the law.

For the measures and implementation of human rights policy, including equal employment opportunity, hiring of people with disabilities, prevention and handling of sexual harassment, annual training, and caring for female employees, please refer to Section 5.3 Employee Compensation and Rights Protection of 2023 Sustainability Report.

Environmental, Safety and Health

Personnel of ESH are appointed at the Headquarters and factories to execute routine ESH operations, protect workers' rights, and minimize safety and health hazards at workplace. All new employees are given basic safety and health trainings within one month of the start of employment. Special safety and health trainings are required prior to using specific type of equipment or performing certain tasks.

In 2023, the total work hours were 295 million hours, the number of recordable occupational injuries was 84, and the frequency rate was 0.28, 34% higher than in 2022. There were 3 severe occupational injury cases in Vietnam. There were no fatal accident cases due to occupational injury in 2023. To reduce injury risk, we inspected nearly ten thousand high-risk machines in 2016, conducted risk assessments on the safety features of these machines, and made improvements accordingly. We completed safety upgrades for 22 types of high-risk machines in 2023, with a total of 1,650 and an improvement rate of 72%.

Since 2017, we have been creating standard instructional diagrams for high-risk machines, which fully illustrate the prescribed safety measures and make existing and newly purchased machines at all factories comply with the Group standards. The standard instructional diagrams were created for 75 types of machines in 2023.

Manufacturing processes and equipment layout are designed ergonomically to minimize injuries from sustained postures. Personal protective equipment is provided to employees for protection when performing special tasks. And warning signs are posted at high-risk workplaces to remind operators to wear protective gear, thereby reducing exposure to hazards. The ESH committee is established at the Headquarters and all factories; the committee meets at least once per month. The meeting agendas include investigation of on-site occupational injuries, review on implementation of preventive measures, and discussions of ESH projects and safety awareness promotional activities. To provide a more friendly work environment, quarterly ESH inspections are conducted and deficiencies found during the inspections are promptly corrected. Emergency contingency plans were drawn up at the Headquarter and each factory based on the potential risks of the workplace and the surrounding environment. Evacuation drills are conducted every six months, and firefighting equipment maintained periodically.

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